We have more than 900 professional voice actors in Chinese and Cantonese (Hong Kong accent and Cantonese accent ). The website only displays the voice samples of some of the voice actors. Please contact the customer service manager: zhaovoice@163.com, we will reply within 12 hours

女粤DY 粤语女声 粤语新闻

女粤DY 粤语女声 馨瑷月子(普话)

女粤DY 粤语女声 角色音:提问 粤语

女粤135 广式粤语港式粤语 专题片商场广播

女粤135 广式粤语港式粤语 专题片

女粤135 广式粤语港式粤语 宣传片

女粤135 广式粤语港式粤语 广告1

女粤135 广式粤语港式粤语 滴露

女粤135 广式粤语港式粤语 彩铃

女粤17 粤语广式港式-渣打银行人声

女粤17 粤语广式港式-应急计划

女粤17 粤语广式港式-施罗德

女粤17 粤语广式港式-纳斯达克

女粤17 粤语广式港式-京港澳快线宣传片

女粤17 粤语广式港式-SmileFixie

We promise: Free audition until you find the voice actor you are satisfied with!


Chinese dubbing, Cantonese dubbing, Chinese dubbing network, Cantonese dubbing network
Chinese dubbing company, Cantonese dubbing company, Chinese dubbing studio, Cantonese dubbing studio