配音节奏是有声语言的一种形式 Dubbed rhythm is a form of spoken language

Date:2022-01-11    Visits:403









  In a sense, dubbing is also included in the category of artistic language. Dubbing creation does have significant artistic properties, so rhythm should also be an important performance skill for dubbing. People's life is also full of rhythm, so rhythm is also a form of movement of voiced language.

  In dubbing, the rhythm needs to be determined based on the entire manuscr1pt. The rhythm and priority form of the sound is formed through the changes in the thoughts and emotions of the sound, which is what rhythm does. Below is an analysis of four aspects of dubbing rhythm.

  1. Dubbing rhythm is a form of sound movement based on thought and emotional movement.

  2. The external form of dubbing rhythm is the rhythm and priority of the voiced language flow.

  3. The core of dubbing rhythm is the back-and-forth cycle of sound forms with certain characteristics.

  4. The basic requirements of dubbing rhythm should be based on the whole article, and the whole dubbing rhythm has a special role in the art of dubbing. It can make the sound express the content better. The rhythm of dubbing art is clearer and more perfect than the rhythm of real things, which is in line with the aesthetic psychology of the public.

  In dubbing creation, dubbing rhythm is the basic element of the content structure of the work, and an important means of dubbing expression, which can directly and quickly enhance the dubbing emotion. When dubbing, the clever use and creation of rhythm can bring a fresh, lively, thought-provoking beauty.

  In dubbing, the rational use of rhythm skills can enhance the dynamic performance of the overall effect, strengthen the conveyed emotions, infect the audience, and resonate. From different perspectives, rhythm has the function of stimulating and regulating, strengthening performance and guiding.


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