如何把握配音员的节奏? How to grasp the rhythm of the voice actor?

Date:2022-01-10    Visits:414





















  Our speech also has rhythm, ups and downs, speed, and weight, thus forming the pleasure of communication and the beauty of language. Next comes the narrator of Wonderful Sound. "chinesedub" dubbing website shares how to grasp the rhythm of the narrator's dubbing? Regular dubbing changes are called rhythms. Speed ??has a lot to do with speaking speed, but it's not the same thing. Speaking speed only indicates the speed of speaking, and the rhythm includes ups and downs, strength and weakness. The tempo includes fast and slow.

  1. Slow pace:

  1. Soothing type: The tone of speech is more raised and less falling, the tone is high but not tight, the stanzas are sparse but not paused, and the air flow is long and crisp.

  2. Low-pitched type: Most of the speech is ebb and flow, the end of the sentence is heavy, the syllable is long, and the sound is darker.

  3. Dignified: The speech is stable, the sound is strong and focused, more restrained and less pronounced, with many stanzas and sparse words.

  Second, fast pace:

  Light-hearted type: more eloquent and less restrained, more light and less heavy, fewer syllables, and high vocabulary density.

  2. High-pitched type: mainly the tide type, the peaks are closely connected, rising and rising, unstoppable.

  Nervous type: more raised and less suppressed, heavy and less light, dense in syllables, quicker air, and shorter in tone.

  Third, the embodiment of rhythmic beauty:

  1. Rhythm. For example, to write an article to reflect the beauty of rhythm, a few rhyming prose poems can be used.

  2. Corresponding. Contains the use of contrasting and antithetical sentences.

  3. Comparing sentences Comparing sentences can enhance the momentum.

  4. Roll over. Repeat words, sentences, paragraphs that are similar in form and meaning.

  5. Layer delivery. a progressive level.

  6. Beads and loops. "Lianzhu" is to use the word at the end of the first sentence as the beginning of the second sentence, which means that a word is used repeatedly.

  4. Some principles for determining a fast pace:

  1. The principle of emotion.

  Choose a fast or slow rhythm according to your needs.

  2. The context principle.

  Adapt to changes in the language environment.

  3. The principle of content.

  Based on the content adjustment, the dubbing rhythm should be grasped when dubbing, and the effect of dubbing should not be shown in a dull manner.


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